LYNK Capital, LLC Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary and Surpasses $1 Billion in Funded Loansv2

LYNK Capital, LLC Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary and Surpasses $1 Billion in Funded Loans


LYNK Capital, LLC, a North Carolina-based private equity fund, is proud to announce the milestone of celebrating its 10 year anniversary and exceeding $1 Billion in funded loans. Since LYNK’s inception in 2013, the company has funded more than 1,750 loans to real estate investors and builders. Of those, more than 1,450 loans have already repaid for over $700 million dollars.

“For the past 10 years, we are pleased to have provided efficient investment capital solutions to our borrowers while consistently producing superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors,” said Ben Lyons, Managing Director for LYNK Capital.

Even with the headwinds of higher interest rates, the demand for the non-institutional capital that LYNK provides to residential housing investors remains extremely strong.

The continued success of the LYNK Capital fund can be attributed to the strength of LYNK’s team as well as lending criteria that are designed to protect an investor’s downside risks. All loans are secured by a first-lien mortgage on residential property, are primarily short-term (less than 24 months), and are made to experienced builders and real estate investors.

“The LYNK management team is comprised of lending professionals who have over 120 years of combined experience in the construction, lending, and real estate industries,” said Dee Toal Brothers, Chief Operations Officer for LYNK Capital. “This kind of industry knowledge gives us an advantage over other lenders in our space.”

“When we created LYNK Capital in 2013, our mission was to provide real estate investors and borrowers with ways to efficiently finance and grow their real estate and construction-based businesses,” stated Lyons. “I’m proud to say that remains our core driver in every deal we fund today.”


Media Contact:
Michael Temple
Head of Marketing, LYNK Capital
Phone: 407-476-2500
Email: [email protected]

Website: and connect with us on LinkedIn.

BiggerPockets BPCON2023 – A Lender’s Perspective

Investing in real estate is widely regarded as an effective strategy for building personal wealth. As an increasing number of individuals seek financial security through real estate projects, accessing the right construction loan becomes crucial. Fortunately, numerous construction loan options exist beyond traditional bank loans, which often impose strict lending requirements. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various loan options available for real estate investments, assisting readers in selecting the most suitable construction loan for their needs.

In the world of real estate, every successful deal begins with a conversation. The BiggerPockets BPCON2023 event was a dedicated platform for these essential conversations – a place where lenders and borrowers converged to establish connections and discuss real estate deals.

Attending a real estate investor trade show from a lender’s perspective can be an exciting and informative experience. It’s an opportunity to connect with potential borrowers, gain insights into the market, and build valuable relationships. In this event recap, we’ll share our experience attending the BiggerPockets BPCON2023 tradeshow in Orlando and highlight some key takeaways.

1. Networking Opportunities:

Real estate events are a melting pot of industry professionals, from seasoned investors to those just starting their journey. The team at BiggerPockets was expecting 2000+ real estate investors for the Orlando event held at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes and our team had great conversations with attendees. The crowd was diverse – from new investors to those with large portfolios and years of experience under their belt. Locations also varied, including people from as far away as Hawaii and Alaska to those local to the Orlando area. These interactions opened doors to potential business partnerships and there are already deals being submitted as a result.

2. Learning from Pros:

One of the most valuable aspects of attending events for borrowers is the opportunity to learn from industry experts. There were numerous panel discussions, workshops, and keynote presentations on topics like short term rentals, finding deals in an uncertain market, investment strategies, and house flipping. Speakers included Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae El Moussa among others.

Is your goal to flip properties? See our Top Flip Tips download here (it’s free). 

On the lending side, the LYNK team gained valuable market intelligence into what potential borrowers are looking for in a lender.

Common attendee questions included:

  • Points and how they work on a loan
  • Experience needed to secure the best terms
  • Rates and leverage on New Construction, Fix & Flip and Rental loans
  • How many units can be funded on a New Construction project


Meeting new borrowers at the BPCON2023 show provided an invaluable opportunity to bridge the gap between lender and borrower. It’s a chance to not only showcase the LYNK Capital lending programs but also to understand the unique needs and goals of potential clients. By explaining what we do as a lender and demonstrating our commitment to providing tailored financial solutions, we can help borrowers achieve their property investment goals.

3. Showcasing LYNK Capital Loan Programs:

In the rapidly changing real estate industry, staying ahead requires an understanding of market trends and lending options. Through conversations with both experienced investors and real estate newbies in search of their first deal, our team was able to walk borrowers through how the lending process works at LYNK Capital.  From our easy process, to rates, terms, and leverage, we were able to connect with interested borrowers who need capital to fund their projects now.

LYNK Capital Loan Programs:

  • New Construction
  • Fix & Flip
  • Rental
  • Bridge


Attending a real estate investor event from a lender’s perspective can be a great experience. It offers a unique opportunity to network, learn from industry experts, showcase your services, conduct market research, gather feedback, build trust, and stay competitive in the real estate lending market.

Overall, lending in the real estate industry is not just about transactions; it’s about fostering relationships and partnerships that pave the way for mutual growth.


Learn more about LYNK Capital’s loan programs (including current rates and terms)

Learn more about BPCON2023

To reach our team, call (407) 476-2500 or contact us by email at [email protected].

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Types of Construction Loans for Builders and Real Estate Investors

Investing in real estate is widely regarded as an effective strategy for building personal wealth. As an increasing number of individuals seek financial security through real estate projects, accessing the right construction loan becomes crucial. Fortunately, numerous construction loan options exist beyond traditional bank loans, which often impose strict lending requirements. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various loan options available for real estate investments, assisting readers in selecting the most suitable construction loan for their needs.

Investing in real estate is widely regarded as an effective strategy for building personal wealth. As an increasing number of individuals seek financial security through real estate projects, accessing the right construction loan becomes crucial. Fortunately, numerous construction loan options exist beyond traditional bank loans, which often impose strict lending requirements. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various loan options available for real estate investments, assisting readers in selecting the most suitable construction loan for their needs.

Bank Lending vs. Private Lending

Construction projects require financing, which can be obtained through either banks or private lenders. Banks rely on depositors or federal government funds for their financing, while private lenders secure funds from investors, banks, or both. Unlike traditional banks bound by regulations that dictate borrower profiles and eligible business types, private lenders offer greater flexibility. They operate within the framework of state and federal laws but can adapt to a broader range of customer profiles and loan types. Choosing a private construction loan provider can offer advantages such as a simplified approval process, faster access to funds, greater flexibility, and more customizable loan options tailored to individual needs.

Bridge Loans

A bridge loan is a short-term loan to provide financing during a transitionary period, such as when a builder or flipper has recently completed a project and is awaiting the property to sell, or when a new rental property is in need of seasoning before being eligible for long-term financing.

Bridge loans are among the most common asset-based loans offered by private lenders. Offering short-term financing based on the current value of a property, bridge loans provide the funding needed until more permanent financing is secured or until existing obligations are removed (i.e., a property is sold).

Receiving the bridge loans allows the borrower to cover upcoming expenses in between paying off past projects and wrapping up their loose ends.

Construction Loans

Ground-up construction loans, including those provided by LYNK Capital, cater specifically to investors involved in new construction projects. Offering flexibility and swift funding, private construction loans differ from traditional bank loans by focusing less on debt-to-income ratios and tax returns. Instead, they consider the property’s value and the borrower’s construction experience. It’s important to note that private construction loans, including those from LYNK Capital, are generally not available for owner-occupied properties. Investors and developers seeking a rapid funding option and a streamlined process free from traditional bank formalities can find private construction loans appealing.

Construction-to-Permanent Loans

Construction-to-permanent loans initially function as construction loans but subsequently convert into conventional mortgages once the project is complete. These loans are offered by banks as well as specialized lenders and feature short-term financing for the construction phase, followed by a traditional mortgage such as a fixed-rate 30-year loan. To qualify for construction-to-permanent loans, borrowers must meet all credit and financing requirements. This loan type primarily targets builders planning to reside in the property after completion, as it is not suitable for house flippers or investors intending to sell the property immediately.

Asset-Based Short-Term Lending

Asset-based short-term loans serve as an alternative for borrowers who struggle to secure other forms of financing. These loans typically require collateral, such as property or other assets, and may feature higher interest rates. However, they often provide more flexibility in terms and underwriting requirements, allowing negotiation between the borrower and lender. Similar to private construction loans, asset-based loans are typically not suitable for funding owner-occupied construction properties.

Loans From a Private Investor

Securing a construction loan through a private investor presents an ideal solution, as it offers flexibility in negotiating loan terms. However, this option requires establishing a relationship with an investor who has available funds and an interest in investing in the construction project. Personal connections or contacts with potential investors are essential to pursue this avenue successfully.

Choose LYNK Capital for Your Construction Loan

LYNK Capital provides comprehensive construction loan options to support your real estate ventures. Whether you’re embarking on a small or large-scale project, our experienced team will help you navigate the various loan options available.

LYNK Capital has funded over $750 million of loans like yours. As a direct lender specializing in construction loans for builders, we’ll give you confidence that you’ve found a strong partner to help you meet your real estate investment goals.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to assisting you throughout the loan process, providing tailored solutions that align with your specific requirements. By leveraging our expertise and extensive network, we can help you secure the funding you need to turn your construction project into a reality.

To reach our team, call (407) 476-2500 or contact us by email at [email protected].

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

The Power of DSCR Loans for Real Estate Properties

Debt can sometimes be an obstacle, but it can also be a tool for increasing income, especially in the world of real estate. For those looking to invest in properties, DSCR loans can be a game-changer. But what exactly are they, and how can you make the most of them? This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about leveraging DSCR loans for your real estate investment.

Debt can sometimes be an obstacle, but it can also be a tool for increasing income, especially in the world of real estate. For those looking to invest in properties, DSCR loans can be a game-changer. But what exactly are they, and how can you make the most of them? This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about leveraging DSCR loans for your real estate investment.

What is DSCR?

DSCR stands for “debt service coverage ratio.” It’s a calculation used by lenders to gauge if you’ll have enough money to pay for a loan after debt payments are made. In real estate finance, DSCR is the primary measure to determine if a property will be able to sustain its debt based on cash flow. Unlike in homeownership, where it’s called the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, DSCR for investment properties focuses on the property’s income rather than your personal income.

Calculating DSCR is quite simple. Just take the property’s rental income (or net operating income) and divide it by the total of principal, interest, taxes, insurance, and association fees (often referred to as PITIA).

Home Value $350,000
20% Down Payment $70,000
Mortgage (at 7.25% Interest) $280,000

Monthly Expenses:
Loan Payment (Principal & Interest) $1,910
Taxes $350
Insurance $150
HOA Fees $90
PITIA $2,500

Monthly Rent: $3,000
$3,000 / $2,500 = 1.2 DSCR

How do DSCR loans help fund rental properties?

DSCR loans play a vital role in financing rental properties. Lenders want to ensure that the rental income will cover all the property expenses, including the mortgage payments. This is where DSCR comes into play. By demonstrating that the rental income can effectively cover all costs like taxes, upkeep, and mortgage, you increase your chances of loan approval.

Why is DSCR important for investors?

DSCR holds significant importance for two reasons. Firstly, it determines whether you can secure the loan or not. Lenders rely on the DSCR to gauge your ability to handle the financial obligations. Secondly, DSCR helps you understand the level of debt you can comfortably take on. It’s essential to have a DSCR that allows some breathing room. This way, even if the rental income fluctuates slightly, you can still make your mortgage payments on time. This becomes crucial considering the unpredictable nature of real estate markets.

How is DSCR different from DTI-based loans?

DTI-based loans are typically for regular homeownership, where you borrow in your own name. Lenders that offer DTI loans focus on your personal debt-to-income ratio and require a lot of personal documentation. However, with DSCR loans, you can close them in the name of a company, such as an LLC. Lenders primarily evaluate the property’s income from leases and don’t scrutinize your personal DTI or demand extensive paperwork. Additionally, DSCR loans do not appear on your credit report or impact your personal DTI, providing more flexibility.

By understanding DSCR and its implications, real estate investors can effectively utilize DSCR loans to expand their investment portfolios and achieve success in the competitive real estate market.

What should investors look for in a DSCR loan provider?

When choosing a lender for DSCR loans or other non-QM (non-qualified mortgage) loans, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, experience matters. You’ll want to work with a lender who specializes in these types of loans and understands the unique requirements of investment properties. They should have a dedicated team with in-depth knowledge of the lending process for non-QM loans.

Flexibility is another crucial aspect. Look for a lender that offers tailored DSCR loans for various investment property scenarios, such as purchases, rate-term refinances, or cash-out refinances. This flexibility ensures that the loan aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

Access to the lender and their level of attention are also important considerations. You want a lender who is responsive and accessible throughout the loan process. Being able to connect with decision-makers and having a consistent point of contact can make a significant difference in securing the funds you need in a timely manner.

For experienced real estate investors evaluating rental projects for their portfolios, LYNK Capital offers a range of customizable financing products to suit individual investment objectives. By leveraging extensive expertise and dedicated in-house team, LYNK Capital ensures a swift and efficient borrowing process. Contact LYNK Capital today to explore how their tailored DSCR loans and other Non-QM loan options can help you achieve your investment goals.

In conclusion, while DSCR loans may initially seem complex, they offer a powerful tool for real estate investors to finance rental properties. Understanding the fundamentals of DSCR and choosing the right lender with experience, flexibility, and attentive service can greatly enhance your investment journey. By leveraging DSCR loans effectively, you can seize opportunities, overcome financial hurdles, and achieve success in building a profitable real estate portfolio.

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Understanding Draw Requests in Construction and Fix & Flip Loans

In ground up construction and renovation projects there lies a component that can make or break the project: the budget. If you overspend on fixtures, flooring and other design details, you risk making less profit, or worse, losing money. When financing these projects, it’s imperative to have a solid comprehension of the use of funding draws, including successfully submitting draw requests to keep the construction or renovation work on track and on budget. In this article, we’ll walk you through what a draw request is and how they work in real estate projects.

In ground up construction and renovation projects there lies a component that can make or break the project: the budget. If you overspend on fixtures, flooring and other design details, you risk making less profit, or worse, losing money. When financing these projects, it’s imperative to have a solid comprehension of the use of funding draws, including successfully submitting draw requests to keep the construction or renovation work on track and on budget. In this article, we’ll walk you through what a draw request is and how they work in real estate projects.

What are Draw Requests?

Draw requests are formal procedures used to access funds from a construction loan as the building work progresses. Instead of disbursing the entire loan amount immediately upon approval, funds are released in stages that correspond to the completion of specific construction milestones decided in your construction budget prior to loan approval.

The borrower or their contractor submits draw requests to the lender, who reviews the request and conducts a property inspection to verify the completion of the work before releasing the corresponding funds. This system ensures accessibility of funds, tracks construction progress, ensures proper fund usage, and facilitates the early detection of any project delays

Mechanism of Draw Requests

Before construction begins, the borrower and contractor present a draw schedule to the lender. This schedule includes an estimate of the work to be performed and the associated costs, serving as the foundation for subsequent draw requests.

Once a portion of the work is completed, the borrower or contractor submits a draw request to the lender, providing details of the completed work and corresponding costs. The lender inspects the property and releases the funds if the work is satisfactory and aligns with the original draw schedule.

Importance of Adhering to the Original Budget

Adhering to the original budget is crucial for managing a construction project, whether it involves building a new home or executing a fix-and-flip. This adherence ensures proper fund allocation and maintains the project’s trajectory, avoiding unnecessary delays or stalls.

Investors who submit draw requests exceeding the original budget risk the need for lender approval or potentially re-underwriting the loan, both of which can cause significant delays. Therefore, diligent budget management and meticulous expense tracking are paramount.

Effective Budget Management for Real Estate Investors

  • Detailed Budget Plan: Begin with a comprehensive budget plan that outlines all expected costs, including materials, labor, permits, inspections, and contingency expenses. This plan forms the basis of your construction loan and subsequent draw requests.
  • Regular Budget Reviews: Monitor your budget regularly, comparing actual costs against projected expenses. This ongoing review helps identify areas of overspending and allows for necessary adjustments.
  • Change Order Management: Changes to the original construction plan are common. However, all change orders should be thoroughly reviewed for their impact on the budget. Significant changes need to be promptly communicated to the lender.
  • Contingency Fund: Unforeseen costs are typical in construction projects. Including a contingency fund in your budget (typically 10-20% of total costs) provides a financial cushion for these unexpected expenses.
    • Expense Tracking Software: Make use of expense tracking software to monitor and categorize expenses. This software can synchronize with bank accounts and credit cards, providing real-time updates and instant overviews of spending.
    • Document Management: Keep all receipts, invoices, contracts, and change orders organized and easily accessible. Digital document management solutions can be useful for this purpose.
    • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of your expenses to ensure alignment with the budget. Investigate any discrepancies or unexpected costs.
    • Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a construction accountant or financial advisor specializing in real estate to provide expert guidance on budget management and expense tracking.

By adhering to the budget and implementing robust expense tracking systems, real estate investors can minimize financial risks, streamline the draw request process, and ensure successful and profitable completion of their construction projects.

Draw Frequency

Construction loans typically allow for multiple draws, usually ranging from three to six, depending on the percentage of work completed. The exact number of draws required should be determined based on the construction budget and timeline. It’s important to note that additional draws may incur processing and inspection fees, as well as increased loan balance interest charges.

Managing Construction Budget Modifications

Any changes to the construction budget should be promptly communicated to the lender to ensure project feasibility and loan suitability. This transparency helps prevent complications or misunderstandings that could derail the project. Significant changes may include unforeseen expenses, scope alterations, or increased labor costs, which may require lender approval before proceeding.

Procedure for Requesting Changes

If changes to the construction budget are necessary, the lender should be notified promptly. Detailed explanations of the changes and an updated cost estimate are required, and additional documentation, such as revised plans or contractor contracts, may also be necessary. The lender will then evaluate the changes and, in some cases, may need to re-underwrite the loan.

Property Inspection Process

Upon submission of a draw request, the lender carries out a property inspection to verify the completion and quality of the work. This process involves an independent inspector visiting the site and comparing the completed work to the original plans and budget. The inspector checks for any issues or discrepancies and sends a report back to the lender.

Draw Request Processing Time

Typically, processing and payment of draw requests take 3-5 business days, assuming no issues arise. To avoid problems, it’s important to follow the original budget, submit all necessary documentation, and promptly inform the lender of any changes or issues. Scheduling property inspections in a timely manner can also prevent processing delays. Unresolved issues or discrepancies may prolong the processing and payment of your draw request.

Mastering Draw Requests with LYNK Capital

Understanding the draw request process is fundamental when securing a construction loan. At LYNK Capital, we specialize in construction and renovation loans and take care to guide our borrowers through the intricacies of draw requests. Our expertise ensures that you receive the necessary funds when needed, minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency.

With our professional assistance, you can smoothly navigate the draw request process, allowing you to focus more on the construction at hand.

Contact us today for more information about how we can support you in achieving your real estate investment goals, whether they involve building a new property or undertaking a renovation project.

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Bridge Financing For Investors

Regardless of their experience level, real estate investors utilize bridge loans to grow their real estate investment portfolios. Read further to learn how this can work for you.

Regardless of their experience level, real estate investors utilize bridge loans to grow their real estate investment portfolios.

Read further to learn how this can work for you.

What is a Bridge Loan?

A bridge loan is a short-term loan to provide financing during a transitionary period, such as when a builder or flipper has recently completed a project and is awaiting the property to sell, or when a new rental property is in need of seasoning before being eligible for long-term financing.

Bridge loans are among the most common asset-based loans offered by private lenders. Offering short-term financing based on the current value of a property, bridge loans provide the funding needed until more permanent financing is secured or until existing obligations are removed (i.e., a property is sold).

Receiving the bridge loans allows the borrower to cover upcoming expenses in between paying off past projects and wrapping up their loose ends.

Bridge financing or bridge loans help real estate investors free up available cash for other ventures, also referred to as gap financing or swing loans. and interim financing.

How Does Bridge Financing Work?

Bridge loans offer shorter-term financing than conventional loans and provide immediate funds to meet current obligations. A bridge loan can vary in costs and payment terms, depending on the lender. Some lenders require regular monthly payments; others may include upfront and/or end-term or lump sum payments to the loan structure.

In general, bridge loans have fewer guidelines and offer a faster approval process than traditional loans, providing maximum flexibility for short-term real estate investing, and making them ideal for investors requiring fast and convenient access to funds.

With the property assets and a clear plan to repay the loan, real estate investors are able to accept the higher interest rates associated with bridge financing. While typically issued with a higher interest rate than longer-term debt, lenders can structure a bridge loan to be non-recourse.

Under these terms, the property itself is the guarantee attached to the note. The borrower’s exposure is limited to property and holds no personal liability, even if the value of the property does not cover the remaining loan balance.

When Do Bridge Loans Make Sense?

As discussed, bridge financing is used for many situations and meets the needs of real estate investors of all levels of experience. Some typical scenarios where these loans are advantageous include:

  • Allowing time to sell a renovated home for maximum value and ready for your next project
  • To quickly close on a foreclosed, bank-owned, or distressed property for renovation before another flipper takes the property off the market
  • Allowing time to acquire permits and update the investment property to improve your ROI
  • Enable the completion of rehab and renovations or stabilizing rental history prior to securing longer-term financing

What to Think about When Considering Bridge Loans

Gap financing can be a boost for immediate obligations in the short term. But think about how the future expenses from a high-interest loan will affect you.

Pros of Using Bridge Loans in Real Estate

The money you get from a bridge loan can help you have more spending options when looking at new homes. It means you have more liquid, or cash, for those sellers. They in turn will be more likely to want to work with you instead of waiting for the promise of money in the future.

Homeowners also have less stress when selling their homes while buying a new one. From a business standpoint, companies have freedom with bridge loans to take on ambitious projects.

Cons: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Bridge loans come with higher interest rates. This happens for a couple of reasons. Because these loans cover shorter-term periods, lenders charge higher interest to keep the value of their investment over time.

Since gap financing covers cash shortages, bridge loans carry an extra risk for lenders. They expect to immediately receive dividends from their borrower’s future assets. But sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can affect sales.

If someone takes out a bridge loan because they owe a lot of money, but can’t pay the bridge loan as promised, they bury themselves into even more debt and can create further financial strain.
Also, borrowers have to pay back using their own dividends. With the extra interest, overall profits are reduced and can result in an overall loss.

Less Cash Doesn’t Take Away Your Options

If you’re an experienced real estate investor and are ready to buy—but don’t want to wait to sell—bridge financing provides ready opportunities for assistance. LYNK Capital has a suite of customizable financing products to suit your individual investment objectives.

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

2023 Flip Tips: Focus on High-Impact Improvements

As you plan your next flip, it’s critical to know what upgrades increase home value. The world looks a lot different in 2023 than it did even a year ago, with house valuations changing and would-be buyers commanding more control and demanding optimal value for their purchase.

As you plan your next flip, it’s critical to know what upgrades increase home value. The world looks a lot different in 2023 than it did even a year ago, with house valuations changing and would-be buyers commanding more control and demanding optimal value for their purchase.

We’ll take a look at some home improvements that often add value, taking into account recent trends as well as tried-and-true tips for home flippers.

Prioritize the Right Projects

To make the most of your renovation project and realize the highest return for your investment of time and money, there are some fixes and improvements that far outweigh the others. You’ll want to factor in which updates you can tackle to maximize the resale value and those that are just not worth it.

There will of course be some items on your list of improvements you cannot avoid, including anything that is needed to bring the home into a livable state and meet required codes. These items can include large-ticket efforts such as ensuring a roof that doesn’t leak, has a suitable HVAC system and there are no insect or rodent infestations.

Simple but necessary updates such as CO2 and smoke detectors throughout the home must also be on the punch list. However, if you try to tackle every possible upgrade—even in relatively newer homes—you will likely find an endless list of items to address that could be insurmountable.

One of the biggest impacts comes from adding living space. While this sounds simple, structural additions to a home can be time-consuming and costly, especially if not included in your original rehab plans.

The advent of so many remote workers should also be something to consider. Adding a dedicated space for a home office can really tip the scales for sellers. In some cases, converting a walk-in closet into a functioning office space will do the trick.

Creating an open floor plan, where walls and doors can be removed or reconfigured to optically increase the space without increasing the square footage can also increase the appeal and value to would-be home buyers.

However, if there is an option to finish a basement, an area above a garage, or even enclose a screened patio, flippers can see returns of up to 75% above their investment.

Button Down Your Budget

Before starting a house flip, it’s important to identify what improvements are in scope and will have budget allocated and those that will not. While there may be overruns of cost and or time, it’s advisable to ‘plan your work and work your plan.’

We’ve all learned that kitchens and bathroom upgrades command a significant return if done properly, but caution should be taken to avoid overdoing it in comparison to the whole home.

A simple beach bungalow often won’t see the same return on newly installed marble countertops and high-end appliances as would be earned in an upscale suburban neighborhood. In some cases, simply updating the faucets and fixtures is enough to entice buyer interest.

Floors in poor condition will need to be addressed, but in many cases, laminate hardwood or luxury vinyl plank (LVP) is a cost-efficient, easy-to-install upgrade that holds value in resale.

Walls, interior and exterior, should have a fresh coat of paint in a neutral tone. In some cases, replacing interior doors and adding trim such as crown molding will enhance a room without much-added expense.

Focus on the Outside as Much as the Inside

Curb appeal and outdoor spaces should not be excluded from your attention. Not only is the exterior the first thing potential buyers see, but it also sets the tone for the available property.

Everything from trimming back overgrown trees, replacing older mailboxes, and cleaning the walkways will all add inexpensive, high-impact fixes. Installing shutters on the front of the home, replacing old and dented garage doors, and adding outdoor lighting, can all dramatically improve the approach to the house.

Experienced flippers have followed the previous suggestions for decades and seen greatly improved ROI for the flips.

However, some items previously considered less valuable fixes are now ascending buyers’ wish lists and reducing days on the market, including eco-friendly features (such as low-flow toilets, and energy-efficient appliances and windows), smart home components (thermostats, lights, keyless entry, doorbells, etc.), and strong wi-fi (and/or available ethernet ports).

Evolving as a temporary solution, stay-cations have fortified homeowners’ interest in enjoying their own private outdoor spaces. Whether a deck, an outdoor kitchen or barbecue patio, or a firepit—or better yet, an outdoor fireplace—consider the appeal a personal retreat adds to your investment property.

As recent demand has dramatically increased both the wait and costs to install a new pool, the viability of adding one in your next flip is minimal.

Stay Focused on High-Impact Improvements

It may sound simple to stay focused on high-impact improvements, but even the most experienced flippers can get caught up in adding to the punch list, adding to the costs, and not bearing in mind the return on investment. It’s vital to remember, a renovation for sale is an economic process.

Personal taste will certainly affect some design elements but should not override what will deliver a strong return on investment nor should they derail the timeline to completion. It’s not about imposing your personal style on buyers but getting a house prepared for sale that appeals to buyers who value and are willing to pay for the improvements you’ve made to the home.

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Our Managing Director Is Sharing Over 37 Years of Financial Insight

In his 37-year career, the Managing Director of LYNK Capital, Ben Lyons, has learned a lot about real estate and investing. Learn why Ben believes that anyone can find their path to financial freedom in his second book.

In his 37-year career, the Managing Director of LYNK Capital, Ben Lyons, has learned a lot about real estate and investing. As a financial advisor, investor, and business owner, he has experienced his share of highs and lows, starting with modest roots in a middle-class family in Baltimore, MD. It was a chance encounter at an early age with a local real estate agent that formed the foundation for a career in real estate.

By the age of 25, he owned 100 rental properties and had a million-dollar lending business.

The beginnings, as they say, were humble. Originally planning for a future in community college, he instead went to work for a real estate company at the age of 18 for free. Determined to learn all he could about the business, he convinced his boss to place an ad in the money-to-lend section of the newspaper – he would work all the leads and split the profits with his boss 50/50. In January 1985, he collected over $10,000 in mortgage broker fee revenue, receiving $5,000 after the split.

“In one month, I went from earning $600 a month to $5,000. I thought I was rich. It was extremely exciting and only increased my motivation to learn and grow.”

After that, he read everything he could get his hands on and took mentors to lunch or dinner to learn what they knew. By the age of 21, he became the youngest licensed mortgage broker in Maryland and that year purchased a four-bedroom, two-bath home with a pool. His friends moved in and paid rent – becoming his first investment property.

Since that time, he has owned or managed over 375 residential and commercial real estate projects – and his lending organizations have produced more than $6.5 billion in mortgages. (He was previously an initial investor and large shareholder of a commercial bank, a title company, and three mortgage banks.)

His interests in real estate and financial freedom have produced some interesting insights – after decades of talking to hundreds of investors (many of whom are financially wealthy), he noticed that while everyone’s path to wealth was different, they all shared four things in common:

  • They created predictable and scalable monthly investable income to reinvest for growth.
  • They acquired assets, including stocks and real estate, for long-term growth.
  • They learned how to leverage people, money, and knowledge to accelerate their success.
  • They learned how to utilize time effectively.

It is on these principles that Ben believes anyone can find their path to financial freedom. He has recently authored his second book – this one in partnership with Ortus Academy, a financial literacy training company – to share his personal journey and financial formula for success. The book, titled From Worry to Wealth, is available for purchase and download.

“One of my favorite things is sharing my financial journey with others. There are several factors to determine financial success: our attitude about money and our education, which is not necessarily a college degree. Wealth is available to everyone. By understanding the components of wealth creation and applying them to your unique circumstances, you can build your own future, starting today.”

You can get a free download of the first three chapters of Ben’s book From Worry to Wealth by clicking below:

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Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Tips for Fix & Flip Success

House flipping has continued to thrive in recent years, and the potential profits have attracted many investors to the marketplace. While the potential profits are a big draw, you must do your homework before beginning a project in order to ensure the highest probability of success.

House flipping has continued to thrive in recent years, and the potential profits have attracted many investors to the marketplace. While the potential profits are a big draw, you must do your homework before beginning a project in order to ensure the highest probability of success. A few of the tips listed below should help when considering a new real estate investment.

Choosing the right house to purchase and flip is the most important decision to make when beginning to plan your investment. According to an article from, investors should look for homes that have “good bones” meaning that they are structurally sound and have a lot of potential to be fixed and resold as good quality homes to make a sound profit for the real estate investor. Having a good base to build around will help to make the flip easier.

Once you’ve found a good investment property, you’ll need to determine how much your’re willing to pay for it. Running comparables for other similar properties that are in the same neighborhood can provide a good sense of what the home would be worth once repairs have been made. The After Repair Value or ARV is another great estimate for what the home will be worth after the rehab is been completed. A good rule of thumb is to keep your purchase price and rehab budget below 70% of the ARV.

Finally, as a savvy investor, you should network and find out who the best local contractors are and who may be the best to tackle your project. You should ask for estimates on renovation costs from contractors and get references from previous clients who can attest to the quality of the contractor’s work. Hiring a good quality contractor goes a long way in helping the entire flipping process go as smoothly as possible. You should also budget conservatively and plan for any unseen extra costs that may occur during the flip to give flexibility should these problems arise.

Flipping houses can be very exciting and, when done right, very profitable. By picking the right property, estimating expenses correctly, finding the right contractor to do the work, and having a sound estimate of the resale value of the property once the rehab is completed, you can put yourself on the path to great investing success.


Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.

Working with LYNK Capital to Fund Your Next Fix and Flip

A fix and flip home rehab project should be a profitable investment, but getting the RIGHT type of loan can be daunting. Here’s how LYNK Capital will help ensure that your project is properly funded and kept on track, so that you can focus less on funding and more on flipping.

A fix and flip renovation project should be a profitable investment, but getting the RIGHT type of loan can be daunting. Here’s how LYNK Capital will help ensure that your project is properly funded and kept on track, so that you can focus less on funding and more on flipping.

Here’s a look at LYNK Capital’s Fix and Flip loan process:

When beginning the loan process, we’ll provide you with a list of documents we need to underwrite your loan request. When evaluating your loan, we will look closely at the following three areas:

  • The quality and value of the property
  • The scope of work and the experience of your contractor
  • Your capability to manage the project through completion

We look at the whole picture, using common-sense underwriting principles to examine the character, experience, and capacity of each borrower, and have flexible documentation requirements to help you get started on your project quickly.

Our fix and flip loans can typically cover up to 90% of the purchase price of the property and up to 100% of the rehab and construction cost. We lend on condos, multi-unit, and single family properties.

Ready to get started with a fix and flip loan?

The quickest and easiest way to get started is by getting pre-approved for your loan. Our online loan application takes only a few minutes to complete.

Our Lending Experts are Here to Help

Thinking about a new project? Ready to get an approval? We want to make your life easier with our flexible process and knowledgeable staff. Get started with our online pre-approval and you’ll be one step closer to a fast closing.