AJAX progress indicator
  • A strong steel beam that is used to carry the weight of the roof and upper floors across long spans, such as in a basement or a large room. It(...) Read More
  • Manufactured structural building component resembling the letter "I". Used as floor joists and rafters. I-joists include two key parts: flanges(...) Read More
  • An account held by the lender to which the borrower pays monthly installments, collected as part of the monthly mortgage payment, for annual(...) Read More
  • Sometimes called a Mother-In-Law Apartment or Suite. An accessory dwelling unit that is separate or attached from the main living unit. Read More
  • A lamp employing an electrically charged metal filament that glows at white heat. A typical light bulb. Read More
  • Income levels set by the government serve statistical and decision-making purposes. For example, these are used for determining the tax credit limits. Read More
  • Real estate investments that create passive income for the property owner. Read More
  • Real estate developed or purchased to produce income, such as a rental unit. Read More
  • A number used to compute the interest rate for an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). The index is generally a published number or percentage, such(...) Read More
  • When a property is bought and registered in the name of one individual, s/he alone holds the ownership title of the property. Read More
  • Allows foreign nationals and other individuals who are not eligible for a SSN to comply with U.S. tax laws. Read More
  • Interior air quality, increasingly recognized as important to health; this includes gaseous composition, temperature, relative humidity; and(...) Read More
  • A type of electric stove that heats the pan by using magnetic fields. By mimicking the heating and cool-down of a gas stove, it is an efficient(...) Read More
  • Professional-strength paint; typically industrial paint would be used for specific purposes, or in commercial environments. It is usually highly(...) Read More
  • Air that slips through the cracks and crevices of a home, which causes drafts and wastes energy. A home energy retrofit is typically used to(...) Read More
  • Consumer safeguard that limits the amount the interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage can change during the first adjustment period. Read More
  • The original interest rate for an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM). Sometimes known as the start rate. Read More
  • A request made by a lender or other business to a Credit Reporting Bureau for a credit report, often initiated when a prospective borrower(...) Read More
  • The point at which two walls form an internal angle, as in the corner of a room. Read More
  • A property inspection is an examination through which the condition of a property is determined. Inspections can help interested buyers estimate(...) Read More
  • An inspection contingency is a clause put in the agreement to allow the buyer to have the home inspected and negotiate costs or terminate the(...) Read More
  • An inspection report is a written record of the property’s current condition including, foundation, roof, interior and exterior, heating and(...) Read More
  • Building inspectors, who are employed by the local government, come out to job sites to ensure the building is being built to code by checking(...) Read More
  • A building inspector employed by the local government, and visits job sites to ensure the building is being built to code. Read More
  • The regular periodic payment that a borrower agrees to make to a lender. Read More
  • Window or door in which two panes of glass are used with a sealed air space between. Read More
  • Insulation reduces the transfer of outdoor temperatures to inside your home; it also protects against sound and moisture. Insulation provides a(...) Read More
  • A structural building board made of coarse wood or cane fiber in ½ - and 25/32-inch thickness. It can be obtained in various size sheets and(...) Read More
  • The cost paid to a lender for borrowed money. Read More
  • The percentage rate at which interest accumulates or increases on a mortgage loan. Read More
  • A loan arrangement in which the borrower pays only the interest for some or all of the term, with the principal balance unchanged during the(...) Read More
  • A percentage of the principal that’s charged by the lender from a borrower for the use of particular assets. In real estate, interest usually(...) Read More
  • For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), a limitation on the amount the interest rate can change per adjustment or over the lifetime of the loan,(...) Read More
  • For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the maximum interest rate, as specified in the mortgage note. Read More
  • For an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), the minimum interest rate, as specified in the mortgage note. Read More
  • The aggregate amount of interest payments from the borrower that is less than the accrued interest on the certificate. Read More
  • Interior decorators choose furnishings, finishes, and other elements for a home or building that establishes a certain design look. Read More
  • Interior decorators choose furnishings, finishes, and other elements for a home or building that establishes a certain design look. Read More
  • Material used to cover the interior framed areas of walls and ceilings Read More
  • This is the best measure of a property’s performance, used to measure an asset’s long-term profitability. It is defined as the point where the(...) Read More

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