AJAX progress indicator
  • Property condition ratings imposed by the Single Family Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD), whereby appraisals must rate the condition of the home(...) Read More
  • A cabinet box is the interior frame and outer shell of a wall or base cabinet. Cabinet boxes normally have sides, a top and bottom panel and in(...) Read More
  • Cabinet crown molding is the same as crown molding often found in other rooms of the house, but it matches the kitchen cabinet finish. It is(...) Read More
  • Almost all kitchen and bathroom cabinets are 23 ½ inches deep, but when placing two cabinets together, such as a linen cabinet and vanity, it(...) Read More
  • Many wall and base cabinets have a hinged door that allow access to the interior of the cabinet. Cabinet doors normally have all-wood(...) Read More
  • This is the front of a wall or base box. The cabinet doors are normally hinged to the face of wall and base cabinets. The face is often, but not(...) Read More
  • The hardware installed to facilitate the opening and closing of your cabinet doors and drawers is called the cabinet hardware. Cabinet hardware(...) Read More
  • A cabinet layout is a design or footprint of your kitchen or bath showing the proposed locations of your cabinets. Each cabinet is normally(...) Read More
  • A more cost-friendly alternative to cabinet replacement where existing cabinets are repainted or have a veneer applied to them. Read More
  • The space between the top of the upper cabinets and the ceiling in kitchens. The soffit forms a boxed framework in this space. Read More
  • A cabinet valance is a decorative trim piece used to span a space between two wall cabinets. They are often used when there is a window over the(...) Read More
  • A column of masonry, usually rectangular in horizontal cross section, used to support other structural members. Read More
  • A provision of a note that allows the lender to require repayment of the loan in full before the end of the loan term. The option may be(...) Read More
  • The buyer or seller of a property can decide to cancel their agreement. This could occur due to an inability to finance the purchase if the(...) Read More
  • Used to cancel a lien that has already been filed. These are typically used to cancel the filed claim for public records. Read More
  • An overhang. Where one floor extends beyond and over a foundation wall. For example at a fireplace location or bay window cantilever. Normally,(...) Read More
  • The upper member of a column, pilaster, door cornice, molding, or fireplace. Read More
  • The portion of the flashing attached to a vertical surface to prevent water from migrating behind the base flashing. Read More
  • Consumer safeguards that limit the amount the interest rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage can change in an adjustment interval and/or over the(...) Read More
  • Your ability to make your mortgage payments on time. This depends on your income and income stability (job history and security), your assets(...) Read More
  • The principal part of a loan, i.e. the original amount borrowed. Read More
  • A repayment loan and the most conventional form of home loan. The borrower pays an amount each month to cover the amount borrowed (or capital or(...) Read More
  • Significant replacements or additions to existing properties or for new developments (excluding general maintenance and repair items), as(...) Read More
  • Capital gains tax is the profit an individual earns from the sale of a property or an investment. There are two categories for capital gains,(...) Read More
  • A permanent improvement to real estate that increases the value and/or useful life of the property. Read More
  • All debt and equity sources combined that were used to fund an investment in real estate. Read More
  • Or "Cap Rate". A method used to predict the rate of return from an investment property with objective to assess the property's potential and(...) Read More
  • The mortgage interest rate will not exceed a specified value during a certain period of time, but it will fluctuate up and down below that level. Read More
  • Consumer safeguards that limit the amount monthly payments on an adjustable-rate mortgage may change. Since they do not limit the amount of(...) Read More
  • An individual who possesses wood craftsmanship. Read More
  • Carpeting is a floor covering made of thick woven fabric, such as nylon, polyester, or natural wool. Read More
  • When an investor purchases a property to rehab, they must factor carrying costs into their list of expenses. These are the expenses incurred(...) Read More
  • Frames of wood or metal enclosing part (or all) of a window sash. May be opened by means of hinges affixed to the vertical edges. Read More
  • A single-window unit, the casement window is usually hinged on the side, and opens outward. Read More
  • When a home buyer offers a seller the entire cost of the house, with no mortgage or any other type of financing involved. These offers are often(...) Read More
  • The amount of money that is coming in and going out on a rental property. Positive cash flow means that more money is being earned than spent,(...) Read More
  • The annual before-tax cash flow of an investment expressed as a percentage of the initial cash invested. Read More
  • A loan or refinance transaction in which the borrower receives additional funds over and above the amount needed to repay the existing mortgage,(...) Read More
  • A requirement of many lenders that buyer have sufficient cash remaining after closing to make the first two mortgage payments and/or some amount(...) Read More
  • Liquid assets that are readily available to be used to pay the closing costs for a mortgage transaction. Read More

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